Prescription Dive Masks 101 (F.A.Q.)
- What kinds of lenses are there for your prescription dive masks?
There are different types of lens configurations to know about before going ahead and purchasing your prescription dive mask.
Single Vision – Single vision will be either a nearsighted or farsighted prescription throughout the whole lens helping see distance.
Bifocals – Bifocal is a lens for distance and also correction for reading.
Gauge Readers – Readers for close work with your gauges, camera or computer. No correction for distance, the top of the lens is clear/plano.
We currently offer Single vision and Gauge Readers only.
- What are dive masks made out of?
- What is the difference between diving and snorkel masks?
Our masks are rated to go to depths of 200 meters. Essentially, our masks are versatile for both snorkeling and scuba diving.
- Can you wear glasses or contact lenses under a dive mask?
Glasses, we would not advise to wear under a dive mask as it may not be able to seal properly, thus, water getting in and ruining your whole experience. For contact lenses, if water were to get in, you would risk your safety.
- What is a diopter?
A diopter is a unit of measurement given for the strength, or the refractive power of a lens. The higher the diopter number the stronger the lens is.
- How do you calculate a prescription diopter?
Please refer to this blog post.
- What’s the difference between high and low volume?
Low volume is going to be a mask that sits closer to your face, advantage is that is that it is easier to clear. High volume is also not difficult to clear but we would advise getting a low volume mask. Luckily, most of our prescription dive masks are low volume models.
- Are dive mask lenses interchangeable?
Yes, if you purchase a dive mask, as long as we still carry that model, we will have lenses available should your prescription change.